The DiD Factory

Thursday, November 16, 2006


You'll understand when I tell you that with DMing duties in high gear again, my time to work practically on DiDFact is rather limited. I'll contribute when I can, but my efforts are better spent thinking up ways to totally screw your characters over in a make-believe world.

And I don't understand Paul's spell. It makes some magic fairy dust drip off your sword? No wonder no one in your games uses it! Oh, no, I get it. It's no save, so you put it on another guy and follow him around or laugh at him behind his back or something. Huh.


I'm so in DiD mode right now that the best spell I can think up is a 5th circle Summon Xorn. It's a real summoning, there was a xorn somewhere, and now he's here. He'll hang out with you for one combat round or one hour of construction time per 100 gp in gold ingots you give him, max is 2*level in rounds/hrs. He's a tireless digger, for what it's worth.



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