The DiD Factory

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ritual Magic

About 1/3 done with ritual magic. However, I am not completely satisfied.

At a minimum, I am looking for good spell ideas.

Also, is there some way to make it intrinsically unique? I was thinking about somehow linking it to attributes. In some sort of spell point way or something. -It just seems flat.

Ritual casters get their magic, not from absolute devotion, but from transient observation or servitude to extraplanar beings. Formulae of devotion or something.

My goal is to make each of the 4 magics unique.

-Hermetic has metamagic (counterspell & such), horology (time) and evocation (blast). Wizards also have a broad selection: summoning, divination, abjuration etc... Book learning of spells. Resistance to hermetic spells is modified as +1 per circle.

-Hedge has illusion and is strong in charm, artifice, and mental tweeks. Book learning of spells. Resistance to hedge spells is modified as +1 per circle.

-Priest has healing, augmentation, powerful divination, protection, also nature affecting, -depending on the priest's domain. Also, priests can trade 2 spells of one circle for one of the next higher at will (some fluidity). Auto-learning of spells. Resistance to priest spells is modified by +1 per circle of the priest casting (+1 to +8).

-I want ritual to be unique in a significant way.



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