The DiD Factory

Friday, April 27, 2007

Got it.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Anyway, I think I have it. Ritual is going to have a version of spell points. However, they are going to be divided into something like 4 types. Something like: Blood, Dreams, Metal and Fire. Not those, but something similar.

Anyway, a ritualist will decide what combination to take each day. If he has 10 spell points he might take: 2B, 3D, 4M and 1F.

Spells will cost a combination of points (like Magic). 1st circle will just cost one. However, 2nd circle and up will be combinations. Thus, a 3rd circle mind-reading spell might cost BBD.

This way ritualists need to do some planning ahead. Also it creates a sort of formula-feeling without silly spell components.

I just need to work on the cost for buying spell points.

BTW, I like Blood and Dreams. Any suggestions for the other two? (useful suggestions)


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