The DiD Factory

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Agreed. Yes, falling has been rolled into acrobatics. Your DM/player shame thing made me laugh.

No doubt there is always going to be skill bleed-over.

Dave suggested a possible skill category thing. Perhaps if you had World Know III, you automatically had Regional Know I, etc, etc... It gets complicated.

Another problem is players saying things like: I failed Regional Knowledge? I try World Knowledge then!

I thought briefly of a skill-tree ala Shadowrun, but a little browsing on RPG forums brought up a lot of negative posts. Many people prefer simplicity and don't like the need to reference a chart.

At the time being, I think it best to roll some silly profs into others, but leave those that can justifiably stand on their own alone. Then, I need to add to the discussion of making prof checks. Some of the following will be mentioned:

1. Sometimes more than one prof can be used for the same attempt. Perception/Wilderness lore might be used to track someone.

Of course, Tracking knowledge includes somethings Perception/Wilderness Lore don't. What does the condition of the tracks mean? How much time has passed in the current weather conditions? How tall was that creature? How fast was it moving? etc...

2. Doing so might require different target numbers. Ex: Make a Tracking check of 6, or a Perception check of 10.

3. Players should only roll one of these. -They can choose.


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