The DiD Factory

Thursday, March 27, 2008


About 1/2 way done with these.

I like the idea of Faith magic lists by domains. However, I ran into a little problem when I was doing it: I think the actual descriptions become somewhat hard to find. Instead of 8 subsections, you get 32. First you find the level, then the domain, then the spell.

Maybe that's no worse than before. I dunno. I'm going to do it, and I'll get your opinions.

Changing abilities to disciplines, and having no 'ability skills' or 'proficiency skills' (just disciplines and proficiencies) makes it read much easier.

I'm putting acrobatics and falling together. However, I'm having second thoughts about running, swimming and climbing as one. I'm sure there are marathon runners that suck at swimming, and swimmers that suck at climbing. Each one is kind of a distinct thing in real-life. Also, whereas running is endurance based, climbing is agility. What is more, it becomes a ton of rules for one proficiency.

Leadership and Military Expertise are now Martial Knowledge, which will be more general. However, leadership is persona-based, so that's a loss for persona. -Regrets?

Wilderness Lore absorbs fishing.

Rob suggested losing touch spells altogether, which I think is great. I hate touch spells.

Rob, once I've caught up, could you send me the latest WoN? I can then spread the changes through, and send the whole back to you.

Another thought: I think the website should have an 'Artists of Wayfarers' page. We can have a illustration or two for each, and a contact link if they like.



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