The DiD Factory

Friday, August 31, 2007

Blame the Mesopotamians

Formatting: Agreed. Good suggestion about the abilities. I am going to do some major formatting near the end. However, I've just kept things simple now so it's easy to move about.

d20 skills: Disagreed. No, I think skills work better being different than a role to hit. The d4* (nice, I might use that) is nonlinear. I think it feels like proficiency in something. There's consistency, which creates some reliability, but things can go wrong. -Or very right every once in a while. The curviness is good. And, as I've said, I think a d20 with a +14 is retarded.

As for initiative, it could go d20. I'll think on that. -It might be worth doing.

As for rolling more than just a d20, -I think it's not too much to ask. I'm not going to start making weapons and spells do d20 based damage.

Finally, you can blame the Mesopotamians for Namtar:

It'll be the first one cut when I get the list done.

EDIT: Actually, now saves are exactly the same as attacking.


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