The DiD Factory

Friday, March 07, 2008



Sure. If you got some better names. Let's do so.

You’ve still kept skills and their target numbers apart:

I hate putting all that junk up front. And I do think some GM treatment is in order. I can move a 'target number chart' to the Player's Section. Do you really think I should move the whole thing? I'm on the fence on this. It does make put a big chunk o' text up front.

Fortitude and Willpower:

This is a great idea. I was bothered about Willpower and Fortitude myself, but my thesaurus failed me. Physical and Mental Resistance isn't fancy, but they'll do. I also like the A+E+S/C+E+I thing. Done and done!

Golems need to be in the monster listing.

M'kay. I'll do so.

Why have weapon prices listed twice? Redundant.

Ed made me, dammit. He didn't like going back and forth between weapon damage and cash, and I couldn't put all the damage and crap on the equipment list. I also didn't want to pull weapons off the equipment list because that would be a pain too. Blame Ed. -SRY.

We need rulings on light sources:

True dat. Will do.

We also need rulings on travel times.

Yeah, you are right. Ugh. I'll do it.

All good suggestions. Thanks. I guess I've got some work to do this weekend.


Anway, the art is fantastic from what I can see in the thumbnails. I'll wait until I get home to open them up. Leo is obviously fucking amazing. Well, I did open the color one. -It's so cool and bizarre. I dig it too.



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