The DiD Factory

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


That's the new school for hermetics. Ed and I spoke last night and came up with a few metamagic spells, including counterspell. -Yeah, we were playing Magic. Some of the new ones are in 3.3 which I'll post tonight.

Ed also thinks it's lame not rolling for abilities. In his words, it's one of the most fun things about gaming, -rolling up a new character. Also, it prevents people from doing cheesy stuff like having a stat at 1 or 2 just so you can have an outrageously high one.

Anyway, I changed it so all stats start at 5, and you have 35 points to spend. 5 is the minimum for rolling anyway.

Just some other tweaks here and there, plus more new spells.

Still open to suggestions.

Oh yeah, Ed also likes names on spells. That's 3 to 1 Rob, Nael's Magical Trace it is.

Also, Ed pointed out Nael's Magical Trace as a kick ass spell. -You've got company, Paul.


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