The DiD Factory

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Version 6.4 is up on the gmail account. (For some reason I wrote 4.3)

It has Rob's fixes of the creatures/realms/relics. The rest of the text jives with these changes. -I think the flavor is much improved. I also like just having demons, no devils.

I changed Feint, Last Stand, and Feat of Strength as I mentioned. Rolling high is always good, now.

As for the ability/skill point thing. Does everyone agree with Paul? I have debated this for some time. Yes, abilities may only be bought with ability points. So it does makes sense to make the distinction. But does it confuse the proficiency point/skill point issue at all, or make it less clear?

I just want consistency, any nomenclature is cool with me. I still wonder if there is a better way to name them. Anyone?

Rob, I saw you got 50 bids on his last project. That's kind of funny. I'm anxious to see the work. Any preview scans? BTW, you sure you don't want that Jon Sid. guy? His stuff is crazy rich.

Oh, I nixed alligators. I felt crocs were enough. Same stats, different name. However, you might want to change the Myrin Dragon's pet to a croc, Rob.

We are getting there.


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